Mad Teddy's web-pages
This page completed on Saturday, 4th July 2009
You've most probably arrived at this page by clicking on a small picture
toward the bottom of my
The picture has also featured in another of my pages - namely, my
Why is Mad Teddy mad?
page, just a little way down from the top of the page - where it can be
seen adorning our kitchen wall above the fridge, in a photograph which also
features Yours Truly. (That same photograph also appears in my
On the spectrum
page, almost halfway down.) I thought you might be interested to know the
picture's origins.
I didn't make it myself. It was produced, several years ago, by my son who
was in early high school at the time. Apparently, his art teacher had asked
the students to "design a robot".
As I've mentioned here and there in this website, I'm a fan of the late
Isaac Asimov's science fiction. One of many of his novels which I have in my
collection is "The Robots of Dawn" (1983, first published by Panther Books
in 1985). The front cover features a picture by well-known science fiction
Chris Foss.
You can see the picture by clicking
and scrolling just over halfway down the page until you come to the "The
Robots of Dawn" picture, which features a large robot-like character. It was
this picture that provided the inspiration for my son's masterpiece.
- And I think it is a masterpiece. He tells me that he set out to
create a three-dimensional effect - and, to my mind, he succeeded admirably.
He tells me that he was awarded an "A" for the picture.
What I really like about it is the robot's bemused, whimsical facial
expression. There are times, when I consider the state of the world, that I
think I know how he's feeling. Also - and perhaps for similar reasons - it
reminds me of the song "Lost Cause" by US singer
to see that remarkable and disturbing video clip).
It's because I - along with many other similarly-minded people around the
world - don't believe that our world has to be a lost cause that I've
taken these last four and a half years to create this website. I'm hoping to
share my vision with anyone who stumbles across the site (meaning you, at
this moment!). Please, take the trouble to have a look around it (there are
links to my home page at the top and bottom of each page, including this
one); and then perhaps you might seriously consider getting involved.
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
That robot picture...!
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