Mad Teddy's web-pages
Thursday, 22nd March, 2007
Well!!! I have been taken to task.
Since this website's launch in early July 2006, there has been a puzzle for
people to crack, to figure out my email address.
However, in the last couple of days, I've had an email from an annoyed
person who is less than impressed at my little ego-trip! - and I've taken
the matter to heart, and decided to be a bit less of a "pain". (Perhaps it
was somewhat "over the top"...)
I've still left the puzzle in, just as it was - and you're more than welcome
to tackle it if you like that sort of thing. However, if you really don't,
just scroll down to the bottom of this page and you'll find the solution
there, all laid out for you.
Can't say fairer than that!
In case you would like to see the original content of this page, here
it is:
So, you want to send me an email, do you?
Well, if you're the sort of intelligent visitor I'm hoping to attract to
this website - someone who likes to share ideas, perhaps engage in some
sensible debate, maybe offer constructive criticism - no doubt you'll
be able to figure out my email address without too much trouble; and we can
have a civilized conversation.
On the other hand, with a bit of luck, others with less brain-power -
"spammers", "flamers" and their ilk - will find it all too difficult, and
I won't have to be bothered by them.
So, just what is my email address? Well, have a look at this:
Here are a few clues to make it a bit easier:
- it's perfectly pronounceable, and has three syllables;
- the first and last letters (different from each other) are both
- the second and second-last letters are both vowels.
Well, there you are - that's almost giving it away!
Any spam that does get through this natural filter will be treated with the
contempt it deserves: straight into the trash, to be deleted seconds later.
Any flames that slip through will be treated similarly, perhaps after I've
had a bit of a laugh at the stupidity of some people.
If you're in the first group - an intelligent visitor - please do me
a favour, and don't pass my email address to anyone you may happen to know
in the second group! (Anyway, presumably you wouldn't - because if you did,
you would thereby immediately leave the first group and become a
member of the second; and I'm sure you've got far too much self-respect to
do a dumb thing like that.)
Fair enough?
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