Mad Teddy's web-pages
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
You've probably noticed that this picture doesn't look like the
corresponding one in my "Fractals #1: the Cantor and Mandelbrot sets" page.
Don't worry - we'll get to that one shortly.
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
You can see the relevant area in Region #3 indicated by a small white box in
the following picture:
The picture at the top of this page still has the same seven colours as in
Region #3 (although differently deployed), with the addition of two new
colours (brown and light blue). Now we add a tenth colour, and make some
changes to the actual colours used by changing their codes within the
Mandelbrot set: Region #4, colour scheme A
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
With ten colours, it's possible to show more detail - and the mood has
changed completely, even though the number of iterations for each point is
exactly the same as before. Now, instead of a fiery scene, we have something
that looks like a surreal snow-covered tree on a cold winter's day.
I love this scene. Although I've lived in Australia since I was eight, I
still have an English constitution; so I prefer cool weather to hot any
time. (Autumn is my favourite time of the year.) This lonesome, wintry scene
struck a chord in me when I first programmed a version of it on my old
Commodore 64; and the magic still works in this PC version. Who says
"mathematical art" can't have soul?
Ever since coming to Australia as a kid in 1961, I've lived in Tasmania -
except for one year (1983) which I spent teaching in Darwin. There was no
way I could have lasted for more than a year there - it was so hot...
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version of "Winter in Mand-land", version 1, by right-clicking
Perhaps you'd like a bit less snow on those branches? Easy - just make a
minor change to the program:
Mandelbrot set: Region #4, colour scheme B
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
This, finally, is the version that appears on my "Fractals #1: the Cantor
and Mandelbrot sets" page.
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Mandelbrot set: Region #4
(My favourite bit of the Mandelbrot set)
("Winter in Mand-land", version 1)
Mad Teddy at the Darwin show in 1983
("Winter in Mand-land", version 2)
Return to
Fractals #1: the Cantor and Mandelbrot sets