Mad Teddy's web-pages
This region is a blow-up of one of the more prominent "blobs" on the
right-hand (or "eastern") side of the M-set.
You can see the relevant area indicated by a small white box in the
following picture of the entire M-set:
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
Here's a version with the ribbon colours altered:
Sort of reminds me of a freeze-frame sequence of soccer star Pelé doing one
of his famous bicycle kicks! (Click
for more info on this.
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Mandelbrot set: Region #20
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
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Fractals #1: the Cantor and Mandelbrot sets