Mad Teddy's web-pages
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
If you've had a look at the several pages in this group which focus on
"tree-like" structures within the Mandelbrot set, you could be forgiven for
thinking that all such trees have just four "main branches".
However, nothing could be further from the truth! Here's one which has seven
such projections.
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
You can see the relevant area in the M-set indicated by a small white box in
the following picture:
Following the same basic procedure as for many of the other M-set graphics
presented so far, the next step was to adjust the program to achieve a
better "balance" using the sixteen available colours:
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
Again in keeping with earlier pages, I then used Neopaint to make some
colour changes for graphic effect. It's not possible to change the "system
colours" (black and white), but all the other 14 colours are available for
this treatment. If I may say so, I think I've achieved something quite
dramatic here:
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Mandelbrot set: Region #21
(more branches)
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
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Fractals #1: the Cantor and Mandelbrot sets