Mad Teddy's web-pages
Click on the picture to see a 640 x 480 pixel version.
In the pages dealing with Regions #6 to #11, we investigated part of the
lower "cleft" between the large heart-shaped part of the M-set and the
biggest of the more-or-less circular regions, to its immediate left.
Numerous authors have investigated the corresponding upper cleft, which is a
mirror-image of the lower one. However, I can't recall ever having seen any
graphics featuring the other major cleft, at the right-hand "end" of the
main body. So, to end this set of pages, I thought I'd look briefly at it
You can see the relevant area indicated by a very small white box in the
following picture:
You can download and save a copy of the BASIC source-code for the 640 x 480
version by right-clicking
As noted by Arthur C. Clarke in "The Ghost from the Grand Banks", Chapter
20: "Into the M-Set", although the Mandelbrot set doesn't lend itself easily
to animation in the ordinary sense (other than "zoom"-type animations, of
course!), it's possible to produce something that gives the illusion of
movement by cycling the colours used, either inwards or outwards. Here, as a
closing feature for this set of pages on the M-set, we cycle the colours
outwards from the eastern cleft:
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Mandelbrot set: Region #25
"The Last Trump"...?
Return to
Fractals #1: the Cantor and Mandelbrot sets