Mad Teddy's web-pages
Copyright © December 1995 by Mad Teddy
Programmer's Lament
Long ago, in days of yore,
BASIC and Assembly Code
If you live in Tasmania, you may know that the "Beeb" mentioned above refers
to the BBC Microcomputer, which was widely used in Tasmanian state schools
during the mid-to-late 1980's, and even into the early '90's. (In other
parts of the world, this type of computer is known by its more generic name,
By the way - there's another page in this website, containing some of my own
mathematically-based computer graphics,
in which I elaborate on the thoughts expressed above. (Scroll about halfway
down that page.)
(If you'd like to save the midi file, prog_lam.mid, to your hard drive, you
can right-click
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Real programmers don't like Windows -
They think Windows is a Pane!
"Icons?" - "Mice??" - and "Pull-Down Menus???"
"Beeb" and Commodore 64
Were machines we took to heart,
Learning the great Programmers' Art!
Rule OK! (Here ends my ode.)
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