Mad Teddy's web-pages
This page added on Friday, 10th July 2009
At this early stage, what you'll find here is an account of how I came to be
involved in this area at all; descriptions (with photographs and mpeg
movies) of my first hesitant attempts to follow in the footsteps of others
who have already blazed a very exciting trail; and some of my own somewhat
speculative musings on the nature of the subject matter.
I'm hoping to add more soon. Do please revisit these pages from time to
History, terminology and motivation
Some ZPE "contenders", and more terminology
Science, scientific method, and ZPE: some thoughts
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Mad Teddy's researches
into zero-point energy
Nikola Tesla's 153rd birthday
Let's be clear, so that there can be no misunderstandings: to date, I'm
not claiming to have made any working models which operate at
"over-unity". (I sincerely hope that I shall succeed in doing so at some
point in the not-too-distant future, however.)
Return to my original Zero-point energy page