Mad Teddy's web-pages
Sometimes, it just happens.
It could be anywhere - driving along in the car; walking through a
supermarket car-park; heating up some beans in a saucepan; or even lying
flat on my back: occasionally, ideas just come. A few words start running
around in my head, and I'll think: "That sounds like the first line of a
It's strange; but trying to generate a poem from nothing rarely, if
ever, works. For some reason, you need that spark - and then the creative
juices start to flow, and words may tumble out almost unbidden.
Occasionally, I may be stuck for a suitable word; that's when
"The Poet's Manual and Rhyming Dictionary"
by Frances Stillman (given to me many years ago by my parents as a Christmas
present, I think) becomes invaluable.
Here, then, are just a few of the results of such inspiration. Make of them
what you will.
My home page
Preliminaries (Copyright, Safety)
Miscellaneous poetical ramblings
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